The Inkhorn Book Review

Title: The Inkhorn
By: Lewis A. Buckland
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Presenting a fresh look into mystery Babylon and the theologies of ancient false religions, Inkhorn, brings a multi-faceted dimension of Scripture and delves into the seed of Satan versus the seed of Eve (mankind) in detail. The author further denotes that the seed of Satan is more than just a concept, or a connotation, of those who obey wickedness vs. the righteous in God, Christ Jesus. 

Presenting a study of Scripture, the author writes an intriguing look into the subject of giants, annihilation of certain people groups by the Israelites in the Old Testament that encompass and relate Scripture referring to angelic beings (sons of God) that intermingled with women on Earth, procreating and producing giants. The author speaks of how Satan counterfeits God on Earth through a system that most Christians do not understand; thereby the cosmic beings of the heavenly realm versus the earthly realm hierarchy, and Satan’s reign pertained to earthly rule. The book describes spiritual warfare in the sense of also mentioning murder, and the like, as actually a collision of godly forces vs. evil forces that began on Earth from Satan’s seed. Scriptural and Biblical in nature, professing nothing new other than what is contained in Scripture, the author sheds light on a ancient mystery, giants, bloodlines and reproves eschatological doctrine taught in many churches today. Additionally, he speaks of the ancient pyramids and alignment to the stars, sun and moon worship, and mystery Babylon that make for an interesting read.
Throughout the author the book, questions are posed such as, “Why does God set forth such a major difference between certain tribes and the Israelites? Where do strange mutations and giants come from? Where does sickness, disease, strange mutations, viruses, and homosexual characteristics come from? Where do dinosaurs come from? The answer is simple to understand, Satan (The Dragon). God the father is a perfect all-knowing being and would not create mankind just to suffer and be destroyed; neither is our God a God of confusion, but the God of truth. Therefore, all that is needed to understand the truth is dedication to the word of God, which all things that I have spoken of are already documented in the scriptures; Amen.” (p. 28)

With chapters such as: The Seed of Satan, The Dust of the Earth, The Glory of the Sun and Moon, Ancient Geometry (As Above So Below), Mystery Babylon, The God of Forces, The Aaronic Priesthood, The Messenger of the Covenant, The Two Witnesses, The Angel of the Lord, The Red Horse Rider, The Fiery Dissolvement of the Heavens, The Rapture (Part 1) (Part 2), The God of the Earth, The Sign of the Times, The Prophet Elijah, & the mystery of Je-hov-ah, the author renders a terrific study that sheds light on the future events leading up to the Last Day as spoken of in the book of Revelation.

Intriguing, powerful and full of Scripture, one can decide for oneself their terminology and definition of the seed of Satan, relating to human beings on Earth. This is a fascinating read for all Christians to read, giving insight into the reason for war on Earth, bloodshed and the mass eliminations of tribes by the Israelites. God has His reasons, as the author states, and this book is one that will amaze, bring wonder and enlightenment to mystery Babylon, ancient times, leading up to present day eschatology, doctrine and false religions.


You may get your copy of The Inkhorn at Amazon, or in Kindle or as a download. Be sure to visit Lewis A. Buckland at his website, The Inkhorn for more information and to further order the book.